Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fabulous Finds (?)*

* I apologize in advance for the overuse of all caps. I realize that it implies screaming... which is exactly what I intended.

Tonight, my friend Christy and I were watching the new NBC show Fashion Star. The show's premise is that you can buy the clothes of aspiring designers the moment the show is over. I found the whole thing unintentionally hilarious
, from the contestants to the judges. But the joke was on me when one of the
better designs was bought by H&M. It was a cute jersey dress with a small cutout in the back. As someone who has very loudly complained to anyone who will listen about the nearest H&M being in Phoenix, I didn't really care . . . UNTIL I FOUND OUT THAT YOU COULD BUY IT ON ONLINE!!!!!! Let me take a deep breath here for a second and explain that you can't buy ANYTHING on H&M online, so this was pretty freaking exciting.
So, at exactly 10:07, SEVEN MINUTES afters the show aired, I went to the site to purchase this awesome dress for 19.95 (!!!!!) to find out that it was SOLD OUT.
What. The. Hell.
Truly, I'm not an impulse buyer and when you throw in the fact that I have to measure myself to see what my tricky H&M size would be and then factor in the fact that I don't even know how to use a ruler, much less a measuring tape, this was never going to be a quick purchase. But really? SEVEN MINUTES?
I didn't want the stupid dress anyway.


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